Tuesday 15 December 2015

History of Psychological Thriller Films

A psychological thriller is depicted by the heavy focus on unstable emotions of a character or characters. It generally focuses on a person’s mental state than there physical as psychological is to do with mind and behaviour. In the film it normally involves a character having a battle with their own mind. These types of films involve suspense, tension and excitement in order to keep the viewer’s attention to make them want to watch it through to the end. Psychological films stimulate the audience’s mood from the realism of the film. 
Todorov’s Narrative Theory is present in many psychological movies. 
1. There is an equilibrium
2. This equilibrium is  the disrupted by an event perhaps
3. There is then the recognition of this disruption
4. An attempt is them made to try and repair the damage made from the disruption
5. A return or restoration of a new equilibrium is made
Psychological thrillers follow certain themes that can shape the personality of a character:
• Black comedy
• Identity
• Death
• Mind
• Perception
• Reality
• Existence
Examples of these types of films:
• Black Swan
• Fight Club
• Zodiac
• Psycho
• Inception
• The Sixth Sense
• Secret Window

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